About and Why

The company I work for is developing software (and hardware) in the field of embedded devices on the one hand, and large scale server systems on the other hand. Naturally, we're using c/c++, or bash, sometimes Tcl, sometimes not.

Around 2013/2014, there were little information on the web about c++1x and c++1x libraries. That's why I decided to start a small collection on the web, as a reference to every c++ interested programmer. If you're having suggestions, candidates, just drop me an email

Why not simply using Boost?

Well, with c++11, we finally have most things on board that are needed to write serious applications. On the other hand, boost is quite often not an option when it comes to embedded computing: even if boost is an excellent library collection, it pulls in too many things, and the build system had been a continuous source of grief and tears here. So the approach is to heavily rely on c++1x features, and fill the remaining gaps with hand-select libraries.

Thanks and cheers,
